Sun, Jul 03
|SOMEWHERE Causeway Bay
CQF Steam Day 科技課程體驗日及家長座談會
CQF STEAM DAY讓小朋友玩轉Coding之外,希望家長都可以學習到,今次活動好榮幸邀請到大學教授及經驗豐富的博士級人馬,分享升學小貼士及STEAM的用處。無論想幫小朋友選擇心儀中學、選科、本地升學定係海外升學,我哋都一一同大家分享﹗
Time & Location
Jul 03, 2022, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
SOMEWHERE Causeway Bay, Rm 301, 3/F, One Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
About the event
邁進元宇宙世紀,新一代需要如何裝備呢? 簡單理解這個未知性的變化,人類生活習性將以虛擬世界為中心,既然預計離不開科技應用,不如讓小朋友初嘗接觸有趣的編程Coding,今個暑假開始一齊從遊戲中學習喇﹗
CQF STEAM DAY讓小朋友玩轉Coding之外,希望家長都可以學習到,今次活動好榮幸邀請到大學教授及經驗豐富的博士級人馬,分享升學小貼士及STEAM的用處。無論想幫小朋友選擇心儀中學、選科、本地升學定係海外升學,我哋都一一同大家分享﹗活動坐位有限,先到先得,心動不如行動啦﹗
CQF STEMA課程體驗日及家長座談會
適合4-15歲小朋友 (名額30位,先到先得)
地點:香港銅鑼灣希慎道1號 301室 (Somewhere 森程)
時間︰1500-1600( 小學生) /1600-1700(中學生)
PROF. Kelvin Leung "入讀本地/海外大學路徑分享"
DR. Raymond Lo "發掘同學興趣、潛能與選科,運用STEAM幫助升學"
$200 包括1位小朋友一小時編程班及家長座談會
(會員透過STEM NEWS / Somewhere / CQF 報名可免費參加體驗日)
- 出席者需通過「疫苗通行證」
- 參加編程班請攜同手提電腦或IPAD,到場借用可能需要共享場地提供的裝置
- 活動以先到先得形式進行,填妥以下報名表後會有專人同各位聯絡並發放確認電郵,參與者需攜同確認電郵入場,沒有確認電郵者將視為現場報名,所有決定權歸CQF所擁有。
如有任何查詢請與CQF聯絡: Whatsapp: 65868898 / 電郵:info.cqf.hk@gmail.com
關於Crafter's Quarters Future
Crafter’s Quarters Future is a leading education and event provider, learners will be able to learn many future technological skills (we called them ‘Crafts’) through different virtual games and experiences at our quarters. Combining future technologies such as coding with virtual environment and games, we strives to provide our learners (we call them “Crafters”) an unique gamified learning experience. Our mission is to allow learners " Learn to Craft to Craft the Future "
CQF uses STEAM/technology education to pave the way for your child's growth. It's not hard to win at the starting line, and work together to let your child create the future, move towards excellence, and become a leader in STEAM/technology. Compared with traditional education, which is "high pressure, high cost, and unstable returns", CQF uses game-based teaching and rationalized costs to steadily move towards international certification for children